About Us

Digital Resources, Inc. was incorporated on April 1, 1980, but much of the software we offer today has been under continuous development for over thirty years.  Our software originated in a precision sheet metal shop.  Initially, it focused on describing fabricated parts in a computerized format and generating programs to produce these parts on numerically controlled equipment.  The success of these early systems resulted in relationships with equipment manufacturers and their customers in many different industries.  Supporting these varied businesses, with their wide range of products, methods, standards, machines and terminologies, helped establish a rigorous software foundation and richly experienced staff.

Gradually, we extended the application of our system up from the manufacturing floor to support all the product expertise driven processes in a company.  We developed a revolutionary system, capable of digitally representing a company’s products and methods in complete detail.  Our unique developement, starting at the manufacturing end, resulted in an infrastructure capable of such complexity.  You have to know everything about a product to successfully manufacture it.

We have learned important lessons in our decades of operation, both from our own projects and from the efforts of other companies that we observed.  The wisdom gleaned from this vast experience, together with truly remarkable software, results in our success in projects that have stymied other companies.

Information systems and technologies are becoming ever more critical components of modern business.  It stands to reason that the more information intensive and complex an industry is, the more it can benefit from successful automation.  It also stands to reason that the more information intensive and complex an industry is, the harder it is to successfully model and automate.  This is where our 30 years of focus on these challenges makes the difference.